A grading permit is required when excavating or filling earth materials (rock, coral, gravel, soil, recycled asphalt pavement):
If a grading permit is already issued for the construction work, any stockpiling or grubbing which occurs at the same premises is considered incidental and does not require a separate permit.
A grading Permit is not required for:
Regardless of whether a grading permit is required, Best Management Practices (BMPs) to contain storm water on-site and prevent the discharge of pollutants from the site are required.
A stockpiling permit is required when required when temporarily storing over 100 cubic yards of earth materials for future construction purposes.
If a grading permit is already issued for the construction work, any stockpiling which occurs at the same premises is considered incidental and does not require a separate permit.
Regardless of whether a stockpiling permit is required, Best Management Practices (BMPs) to contain storm water on-site and prevent the discharge of pollutants from the site are required.
A grubbing permit is required when uprooting or dislodging vegetation from the ground surface across an area more than 15,000 square feet. Clearing, which involves leaving the root structure in place, is not considered as grubbing and does not require a grubbing permit.
If a grading permit is already issued for the construction work, any grubbing which occurs at the same premises is considered incidental and does not require a separate permit.
A grubbing Permit is not required for:
Regardless of whether a grubbing permit is required, Best Management Practices (BMPs) to contain storm water on-site and prevent the discharge of pollutants from the site are required.
Prepare a plan that includes the following information:
Who will review my plans? What documentation do I need to submit?Visit the civil engineering counter in the permitting center and submit the following:
What is a “utility clearance”?A utility clearance is review by a utility agency for any conflicts between the proposed work and the utility with an outcome of 'no apparent conflict'. A clearance is indicated by a signature on the DPP's Site Development Division Master Application Form (Trenching Permit Application Form) from an authorized agency staffer. The agency will review your project for possible conflicts with their utilities. If any agency requires special conditions to provide their clearance, the City is not party to any such agreement. The utility clearance process is intended to reduce utility conflicts in the field, but is not a guarantee of no conflicts. The signature indicates the signing agency has reviewed the project and is amenable to allowing the project to proceed. The first eight listed agency clearances are always required. Projects trenching more than 200 lineal feet require additional clearance from the Department of Facilities Maintenance, Division of Road Maintenance. Submitted utility clearances must be less than one year old at time of submission for permitting. Utility clearances are required in accordance with ROH §14-2.1(c)(2).
Do all my utility clearances have to be on a single Site Development Division Master Application form?
No, you can route your plans to the different utilities on separate forms simultaneously. Submit the originally signed form from the utilities. Eight, or nine, as applicable, separate forms can be submitted along with your application. Submitting to the various utilities sequentially is not recommended.
Renewing a trenching permitTrenching permits expire one year after the date of issue and needs to be renewed if work is not complete before the expiration date.
To renew, submit:
New utility clearances are required if work was not started under the original permit or if the plans have been revised.
Closing a trenching permitSchedule a final inspection with your assigned inspector to initiate the closure of your permit. Once the inspector is satisfied that work is complete per the plans and the right-of-way is restored to city standards, the inspector will submit permit documents for closure.
See the Rules Related to Water Quality for additional permit closure requirements.
Plans shall be stamped by a professional licensed engineer when the lot area is 15,000 square feet or more for single- or two-family dwelling use or 7,500 sf or more for other use.
What other requirements might apply? Who will review my plans?Smaller projects may be submitted for informal review via ePlans or hard-copy at our counter on the ground floor in the permitting center. Category 4 & 5 Projects shall be submitted for formal plan review and approval on the 8th floor to our Subdivision Branch (768-8100) prior to application for permit. See the SDD plan submittal requirements for more information regarding formal plan review. Following review and approval of the plans, you may apply for permit up to 90 days in advance of the anticipated start of construction. Department plan approvals are valid for two years, after which re-approval is required.
What documentation do I need to submit? When does a grading permit expire?All grading permits expire when the permitted work does not commence within 90 days from the date of issuance; if the work is suspended or abandoned for 60 days after commencing work; or one year from the date of issuance. A new permit is required to commence or re-commence work.
How do I renew a grading permit?All grading permits expire when the permitted work does not commence within 90 days from the date of issuance; if the work is suspended or abandoned for 60 days after commencing work; or one year from the date of issuance. A new permit is required to commence or re-commence work.
For permit renewals, submit the following:
Closing a grading permitSchedule a final inspection with your assigned inspector to initiate the closure of your permit. Once the inspector is satisfied that work is complete per the plans and BMPs are removed, the inspector will submit permit documents for closure.
See the Rules Related to Water Quality for additional permit closure requirements.
If a bond in favor of the city is required, applicants may file a bond:
Bonds guaranteed by a surety company shall be on the appropriate City and County of Honolulu bond form and be notarized by both principal and surety company. Or the applicant may deposit cash or letter of credit in lieu of a bond. No interest shall be paid by the city on such cash deposit. Cash deposits shall be in the form of a cashier's check or official bank check and submitted along with a Security Check in Lieu of Bond form. Personal or company checks in lieu of a bond are not accepted.
Trenching Bond form (print on 8½" × 14" canary yellow paper)
Grading Bond form (print on 8½" × 14" green paper)
Security Check in Lieu of Bond form, to be used in conjuction with a Cashier's or Official Bank Check. Security Checks should be payable to the "City and County of Honolulu".
When is my bond returned?Grading permit bonds are returned one year after closure of the grading permit.
Trenching permit bonds are returned one year after final inspection of the completed work.
Please contact us at DppCivilEngineering@honolulu.gov for inquiries related to Grading or Trenching bonds.
Can I use the same bond for multiple projects?Any bond, letter of credit, or security check in lieu of bond only covers the permit it was initally filed with, or subsequent renewals of that same permit. New projects would require a new form of surety to be submitted.
What types of fee payment are accepted?The DPP prefers payment in the form of check. Checks may be either personal or bank checks. Any checks should be made payable to the "City and County of Honolulu".
Email DppCivilEngineering@honolulu.gov for the most prompt response. Please include any photos if relevant to your question.
You can contact our Site Development Division staff at 768-8418.
If I got a violation, who do I ask if I have questions?Contact your inspector as listed on your violation, as shown below.
Email DppCivilEngineering@honolulu.gov for the most prompt response. Please include any photos if relevant to your question.
You can contact our Site Development Division staff at 768-8218.