Blank bibliography page getting created

I am writing an article in Lyx using a latex template. For some reason, I am getting a blank bibliography page (in addition to the actual bibliography) when I compile it. I deleted everything in the article except the bibliography part and I am still getting the extra page. Of course, I could just remove it after compiling, but it's annoying to have to do it for every draft. I am able to reproduce the error with a bib file that contains the following text only:

 @book, Publisher = , Title = , Year = > 

The following is the code.

\theoremstyle \newtheorem[theorem] \newtheorem[theorem] \newtheorem[theorem] \newtheorem[theorem] \newtheorem[theorem] \theoremstyle \newtheorem[theorem] \include %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \numberwithin % Numbers theorems "x.y" where x % is the section number, y is the % theorem number %\renewcommand<\arabic.\arabic> %\makeatletter % This sequence of commands will %\let\c@equation\c@theorem % incorporate equation numbering %\makeatother % into the theorem numbering scheme %\renewcommand<(\roman)> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %This command creates a box marked ``To Do'' around text. %To use type \todo< insert text here >. \newcommand[1]\par \noindent \marginpar> \framebox[c] \tt #1 \end>\vspace\par> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \makeatother \usepackage \begin \bibliographystyle \addcontentsline\nocite \bibliography \end